With the FAQ from Journey MIdwife Services you'll get instant answers to the most frequently asked questions surrounding our Seattle birth center. Is your question not in our FAQ? Feel free to contact us. Q: What is a midwife? A:midwives are trained healthcare providers who specialize in monitoring the physical, psychological, and social well being of a person throughout the childbearing years. This includes fertility and preconception, pregnancy, childbirth, and postpartum care.
Q: What's different about midwifery care vs. OB/GYN? A: At Journey Midwife Services we offer all the standard medical screenings and services for low-risk, healthy pregnancies that you might receive under care with an OB/GYN, with the added benefit of more holistic, client centered care. Over the course of your pregnancy (and postpartum period), you'll have about 15 appointments with us, each one hour long. So, the amount and quality of time you have with your healthcare provider is vastly greater compared to OB/GYNs. Furthermore, midwifery care is low intervention and often prioritizes natural and empowering care techniques. OB/GYNs are trained to work with those experiencing fertility or pregnancy complications. If complications arise while you're under our care we will support you in the transfer of care to work with a trusted OB/GYN.
Q: Is a midwife the same as a doula? A: No. A midwife is a healthcare provider for people during the childbearing years. A doula is an emotional support person and/or professional. Doulas are not trained to offer medical advice or deliver babies, but they are and can be an important part of your birth team if you choose to have one.
Q: What should I expect when working with a midwife? A: Since time immemorial, midwifery has been a person-centered practice that empowers and celebrates those giving birth. Your midwives at Journey Midwife Services believe pregnant people deserve care where they feel safe, supported, and seen. In order to do this, we take the time to get to know you, through regular, hour-long appointments at our warm and welcoming clinic that's reminiscent of your living room. We listen first and offer evidenced-informed care that ensures you feel empowered to make the decisions that feel right for you and your family. We can advise you through both Western models of medicine and traditional ways of knowing, including herbal remedies and bodywork. We include and value all members of your birth team - partners, friends, family, doulas, children, and beyond. We practice consent always and offer trauma informed care because we value relationships and trust above all else.
Q: Can you be my midwife at a hospital birth? A: As a Licensed Midwife (LM) with a Master's of Science in Midwifery (MSM), Emi provides out-of-hospital care to her clients, including home birth and birth center births. She does not hold hospital privileges, therefore cannot be your healthcare provider at a hospital birth. She can provide all your prenatal and postpartum care through the duration of your childbearing period and simply transfer you to hospital care for the "short period" where you're birthing your baby. Don't let where you wish to birth your baby stop you from working with our compassionate, culturally responsive care!
Q: Are out-of-hospital births (i.e. home birth and birth center) safe? A: Yes, research shows that out-of-hospital births can be a safe option for birthing people and babies who are otherwise low-risk and healthy. If at any point during your pregnancy or birth your midwife believes you or your baby's safety are compromised, we will take all measures to ensure you receive the care you need to resolve the concerns. Here are two published research articles demonstrating the safety of home births:
Q: How much does it cost to work with Journey Midwife? A: This varies based on your healthcare coverage, but we do accept most major insurance. Please contact us to discuss insurance, billing, and payment plans.
Q: What do you love about midwifery? A: I believe pregnancy and birth are a sacred time in a person's life. I love bearing witness to the empowerment families experience when supported by midwifery care. My mother went to a feminist health collective for her prenatal care and birthed me and my siblings at home with midwives. I was also a doula at the birth of my sister's child, so midwifery and natural, holistic childbearing care is an important part of my story and has shaped who I am as a person and activist.